Helping you reduce injury & improve fitness


I can help you Overcome Low Back Pain

Group Coaching

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Interactive Webinar

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I can help you Build Core Strength & Stability

Online 12-Week Program

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14-Day Free Micro Workout

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Online 12-Week Program

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I can help you Correct Lordosis

Online 12-Week Program

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14-Day Free Micro Workout

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Rehab, Core & Fitness Training

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Rehab Aches, Pains, Tightness & Injuries

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Rehab & Exercise for Low Back Pain

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"“After the birth of my 3 children all by C-Section, the 3rd did not heal Properly and I was left with a large separation and Hernia. I was very nervous starting exercise again and after a few sessions with Chris I felt much stronger and confident and only 3 months later my core is much stronger than it has ever been. I never considered Personal Training but through Chris’ dedicated program of exercise focused on my core I have been amazed at the difference working with Chris has made.”"

Sarah B
Core Strength

"“I chose to do one of Chris' programs as part of my preparation for the World Age Group Triathlon Championships, Olympic Distance, held in Australia in September 2009 (where I came 7th). My biggest benefit was a definite improvement in very specific areas of my cycling and running strength and power where I was able to slash 13 minutes off my personal best and win the British Triathlon Championship. I would add that I found Chris pleasant and calm to work with, he has the ability of making his client work hard without any unnecessary pressure and he spent quite a bit of his own time researching the finer points of cycling technique and specific training practice that suited me best.”"

Jane L
Core Strength for Triathlon

"I play hockey at a high level and as a Dentist I am sitting for the majority of the day, as a result I started to get pain in my lower back. It wasn’t chronic but enough to distract me from my work and after a number of months I needed to get it sorted. After just 4 weeks of Chris' method my back showed incredible improvements and after I was able to focus on increasing my core strength, something I’ve been wanting to do since I was a student.”"

Brad H
Overcome Low-Back Pain

"I used to work out regularly until I injured my back in 2008. I was left in agony, I was unable to move or work for a time, and feared I would never regain her previous fitness level. But within three months I was able to exercise regularly and safely."

Jackie F
Overcome Low-Back Pain

"I've had back problems for 5yrs, I've seen physio's and chiropractors but nothing seemed to work. I began following Chris' Low-back pain method and within weeks I began noticing a difference."

Jess N
Overcome Low-Back Pain

How to overcome injury & improve fitness


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