Low Back Pain Causes

Nov 06, 2018

Low-back pain causes can be varied and hard to figure out but there are clues. First there’s a pain trigger, the moment you experience the pain. Second, what created that pain trigger? Many people treat the pain trigger but forget to look into what caused it. The further you can look back into the injury the more likely you’ll overcome low-back pain.

Pain triggers might be;

  1. A trigger point
  2. Muscle tension or stiffness
  3. Nucleus pulpous touch your nerve

Trigger Points

A trigger point is a small knot in your muscles. They can cause pain at the site of the trigger point or elsewhere around it. For example; hip trigger points are one of the low back pain causes.

Muscle Tension and Stiffness

This is where a muscle remains partly contracted for a prolonged period of time. It’s normally caused by overusing the muscle and can lead to back pain. Trigger points are different because are small knots within the muscle rather than the whole muscle.

Nucleus Pulpous touching your nerve.

This results in a disc bulge or herniation. Within your disc is a gel-like fluid surrounded by a fibrous wall, like the rings of a tree trunk. Over time the fluid gets pushed through the layers of this wall and eventually press on a nerve.

Many people treat these triggers, which is a sensible thing to do but what’s causing these triggers in the first place? This is covered in the tutorial above. If you can treat the primary cause the trigger point or muscles tension will reduce and therefore reduce pain.

Low back pain causes are different to the injury that most people treat. If you can treat the cause at its source you’ll be fitter and healthier. Watch the tutorial above and discover what may be causing your pain.

Next click here and start your Exercise & Stretching 14-day micro-workout. You’ll learn some key stretches and exercises that will begin correcting your low back pain causes.

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