Lower Back Pain Treatment: Sophie’s back pain

Jun 27, 2018

Lower back pain treatment can be simple, even for long standing pain. As I work with more people I find common patterns in their symptoms.

Sophie’s Back Pain

Sophie came to me with back pain in her low back; she’s had it for years. She had seen other professionals but they couldn’t get to the bottom of it. This isn’t because they weren’t good professionals they might not have been looking for what I was.

She showed me where her pain was and I began an assessment. I found a trigger point at the top of her hip. Immediately she reacted and I knew I had found a possible cause.

My lower back pain treatment process

When people come to me for lower back pain treatment I first assess the hips. For most people this is a problem area. If it’s a trigger point, I use sports massage to release the pressure.

As the muscle relaxes and the pain reduces, I use movement training to retrain the muscles to work correctly. Over time your muscles work better, you move better and your body becomes stronger.

Back to Sophie

Her trigger point has released and we are using a selection of core exercises to improve her strength. She’s learning how to lift from her hips without causing pain, get from her seat and growing confidence in her back.

Her workouts aren’t ‘normal’ exercises session, she doesn’t do sit ups and crunches to build her core strength. She uses the 2 Best Exercises and Stretches for Low Back Pain. Over a period of weeks she use a similar process to my Online Exercise for Low Back Pain Program.

Sophie back pain has reduced and we are looking to continue this over the coming weeks. Eventually she will progress into ‘normal’ exercise but when the time is right.

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