How to overcome non-specific low-back pain

Jun 14, 2018

Non-specific low-back pain is defined as not attributed to a recognizable, known specific pathology (e.g. infection, tumor, osteoporosis, lumbar spine fracture, structure deformity, inflammatory disorder, radicular syndrome or cauda equine syndrome). Most cases of low-back pain are regarded as non-specific (a staggering 96%). A third type of low-back pain cause is a traumatic injury, such as a fall or sudden jarring of the back.

A muscle associated with the non-specific low-back pain is the psoas. It attaches to five lumbar vertebrae and the top femur. Muscle pain in the psoas is often related to tension, overuse or muscle injury from exercise or physically demanding work. You tend to experience pain either side of your lower back, during or just after activity. If muscle tension remains injuries can occur because of stress building up adding pressure to the spine and vertebrae attached to the psoas muscle.

With cases of psoas muscle tension, releasing the fatigue built up through...

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Lordosis Treatment: A 3-Step Process

Jun 07, 2018

Finding an effective Lordosis treatment plan is essential to managing and overcoming the condition. Here is a 3-step process I use in my 1-to-1 training and online training programs. But before moving on to the Lordosis treatment, a brief explanation will be done on the term Lordosis itself.

Lordosis Explained

Lordosis happens to be an excessive curve in the lumber and cervical region. And I most cases, it poses excess pressure on the spine leading to pain and distress. Lordosis is viewed by many as a postural defect which can make an individual’s appearance unattractive causing such a person to lose self-confidence among others. But it is apparent that whenever there is an issue, there must be a cause. Therefore, a handful of reasons have been validated to bring about lordosis in people, and there are mostly medical conditions which include;

  • Obesity
  • Excessive visceral fat
  • Pregnancy
  • Osteoporosis – the fragility of the vertebra
  • Spondylolisthesis – forward slipping...
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